Zayn Malik Signs Record Deal, Wants You To Know He Left 1D For “Real Music”

Former One Directioner Zayn Malik, who bailed on boy band comrades Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam back in March, has made good of his promise to be a normal 22-year-old make something of himself outside of 1D-mania by signing a record deal.

The 22-year-old let fans know he’s joined RCA – whose roster of artists includes Alicia Keys, Britney Spears, Chris Brown, Christina Aguilera, Hilary Duff, Miley Cyrus and Malik’s former-boy-band-member-in-arms Justin Timberlake – by tweeting a photo of himself signing contract papers. 

But it’s the words he chose to accompany the photo that’s got everyone all like, DON’T FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM, MAN, AND ARE YOU DARING TO IMPLY THAT 1D DOESN’T MAKE MUSIC WORTH MAKING AND DID WE EVER REALLY EVEN KNOW YOU????
Here they are:

A bunch of One Directioners turned on their former hero in a nano-second, baying for his blood: 

This poor guy didn’t know what to feel:


This quick-thinking fan knew her greatest chance of being noticed by Malik amid the furore was to ~support~ his decision – and it worked, because he retweeted her clarification of what he really meant:

But, if you ask us, nothing was crystal-clear until this legend entered the fray: 

Yes, yes it is.

Welcome, Real Zayn. Now go do something (more) controversial. 
Images via Twitter.