Swifties Told Us How Much They’d Spent To See The Eras Tour & Claim It On Tax We Reckon

It's no secret that Taylor Swift fans will fork out the big bucks for to see their hero play live. With this in mind, PEDESTRIAN.TV did some digging to find the exact dollar figure Swifties were prepared to part with to attend the Eras Tour.

It’s no secret that Taylor Swift fans will fork out the big bucks for to see their hero play live. With this in mind, PEDESTRIAN.TV did some digging to find the exact dollar figure Swifties were prepared to part with to attend the Eras Tour.

Peep the video below for some context.

“I went to America last year to see her there and this is my third Australian show,” the first Swiftie recounted.

“All up … $10,000 plus.”

Fuck yeah.

The spokesperson for the next group of four gals admitted they’d spent $5000 (collectively) to be there.

A third concluded that between her four family members, the total figure across flights, tickets and accommodation came to $4,000.

This number excluded day-to-day costs like food, drinks and friendship bracelet materials … I’m assuming.

The final head-piece-wearing queen divulged she’d spent $200 on her outfit, but also had eight backup costumes ready to go at home.

Now that’s preparation.

If there’s a zombie apocalypse, she’ll be the last one standing.

Now, that’s obviously a lot of cash to be splashing. Especially in “this economy”. But if you’ve got the means, why not spend it on something like this that fills you with joy?

It’s not like there’s a clear path to home ownership in either of the Australian cities Taylor toured her show.

That said, I’m sure some Boomer, somewhere, is calling up talkback radio to complain. They’re probably saying some shit about how Eras Tour spending is this decade’s avocado toast, and all the attendees shouldn’t be “wasting” their cash.

They should instead be “saving it up” so they can funnel it all into a never-ending vortex of mortgage repayments that will only enrich the banks and those who managed to buy property 50 years ago.

Anyway, that’s just my two cents. Whatever, dude.