Regurgitator Pen Ode To Miranda July

Fuck I love this. As an unashamed mega-fan of both Regurgitator and Miranda July – I really, really fucking love this. I mean sure they’ve carved out a solid fanbase/niche and continue to do weird shit but just when you think The ‘Gurg had lost their knack for crafting tightly wound, tongue in cheek meta-musings, they go and drop a track about how much they love You And Me And Everyone We Know writer/director, performance artist, actor and sometime musician Miranda July. She’s like the most endearing polymath going.

Initially, I thought the song’s lyrical highpoint came in the very first line: “I wrote a letter to Miranda July. But she didn’t reply.“. But on second listen it’s the shout out to July’s boyfriend and equally-as-talented filmmaker Mike Mills that provides the song’s most irreverent moment: “I think that I love you (Miranda July). Why does Mike Mills have to be such a cool guy?“.

Hey Regurgitator, please don’t change a thing. Ever. Love everyone.

Regurgitator are currently in Melbourne working on new material, some of which you can preview here.

3 – MIRANDA JULY by Regurgitrax