Kings Of Leon – Use Somebody

The new Kings Of Leon film clip sees Caleb Followhill conduct some serious soul searching – confiding to some higher power that he “could really use somebody”. Considering how fuck-off epic this band has become I assume that Mr. Followhill is in need of a personal slave, human doormat or human currency.

Cut together with cityscapes shots that didn’t make “The Dark Knight”, obligatory girls, some humanizing candids and sweepingly epic live footage that stops just short of strapping fireworks to the Followhill’s fretboards KOL’s big sound finally has some visuals to match.

While I don’t hate it, I don’t really love it either – I’m just left wondering: when did the jangly “Southern Strokes” with the kooky evangelistic upbringing and shitty singer turn into bona fide stadium giant killers? Fast encroaching on “Bruce Springsteen” territory the “Kings” are perhaps the most aptly named band since “Whitest Boy Alive”.