Expat Looking For Concert Date Now Knee-Deep In DMs From Thirsty Swifties

Remember that Norwegian expat who, “desperate and confused in a country far away” and with two Taylor Swift concert tickets in-hand, plead for a date via YouTube?

It’s gone viral – with close to 40,000 views in 4 days and coverage by media ’round the world – and Marius is now copping more acceptances of his invitation than he knows what to do with.
“I was hoping that I could get some people to see it and then someone would send me a request to go to the concert,” he told The Age. “I didn’t expect it to be this crazy.”
“I haven’t had time to look through all the responses so I haven’t chosen anyone yet. it’s a bit overwhelming. I don’t know how to get through it.” 

Ahhhh Marius – sweet, unsuspecting, naive-as-fuck Marius – what did you expect when you posted a video begging women to accompany you to a sold-out concert by the GREATEST LIVING ARTIST OF ALL TIME (in this writer’s opinion) and provide your personal contact details?
Yep, dum-dum provided his legitimate email address at the end of his desperate impassioned plea:
“This is my story: I moved to Australia two months ago because of work. Before leaving my home country (Norway), my friends for some reason gave me two tickets for a upcoming Taylor Swift concert in Sydney. Probably because I used to sing and dance to that song. The people back home expect me to bring a date. I’ve been trying to find someone, but still haven’t had any luck. It would be such a crushing defeat if I have to tell them I had to give up and go alone to the concert. I tried to illustrate my problem in this video. Please help me spread it and maybe I can find someone. Time is running out. The concert is at ANZ stadium sat 28 nov. And if you are the right one, I have a free ticket for you! Contact me at: Email: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.”

[P.TV’s chosen not to republish the email address because Marius is one very overwhelmed human rn].

Via The Age.