Empire of the Sun Public Service Announcement

Whether it’s bending pop music to breaking point with The Sleepy Jackson, air kicking his way to glory during a solo set, or playing dress ups and creating a mystical cult like presence out the front of Empire of The Sun, Luke Steele’s always been rewardingly challenging.

Like most alpha creatives Luke’s often surrounded by an entourage of talented musicians, producers and beta creative types eager to collaborate or simply †hang out’ in the studio.

It comes as no surprise that we just received a whisper from the “Army of Colour” (self-confessed Empire of the Sun groupies) claiming that Luke will be making a an exclusive broadcast on behalf of Empire of the Sun on the 22nd of July at 1pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

This just so happens to be the specific date and time that the longest solar eclipse of the 21st century will take place. It’s only viewable from Northern Queensland and will last for 6 minutes and 39 seconds. Which will no doubt provide enough time for Empire of Sun to infiltrate your mind and have you reaching for a nice big plastic cup of kool aid.

What will they tell us? we don’t know – but if your idea of a good time is hanging out in a barn and waiting for a spaceship to land and take you away to a happier place then why not join the countdown.

Title Image by by Kyle Dean Reinford