Emilie Hirsch Releases Very Strange, Unofficial Daft Punk Clip

Actor Emilie Hirsch has befuddled the interwebs by releasing a video scored to Daft Punk‘s ‘Alive’ which actually has nothing to do with Daft Punk at all.

The clip follows a skinny hipster kid who spends his entire existence trying to get Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger like the dude across the road who just so happens to be carved out of stone. Watch as our hero heads to the store for creatine supplements, marvel as he stalks this guy around to outdoor gyms and then watch their eventual shirtless dance-off and ask the real question, “Who’s been giving Emilie speed again?”

At least three online outlets in the US have already declared that Hirsch, who probably just created this for fun, has officially directed a new Daft Punk video. Which would work if this song wasn’t released on the Homework at least ten years ago. It’s a shame we don’t have Rove McManus on our screen anymore, because this is a definite ‘What the?’ if ever we saw it.

via Vulture