Dr.Dre’s Brand New Headphones

Everyday I ride the conveyor-belt, that us Sydney peep like to call City Rail, to work.

The same faces slide past day in day out, most usually camouflaged by the black and white of a newspaper. Today the lady on my left spent the 28 minutes divulging in her latest erotic love novel, the guy on my right was gearing up to hack the mainframe via his Ubuntu loaded “How To Hack Session Management / Multi-Layer Security Website PDF”, I on the other hand found myself studying Gina X’s beats by way of my flimsy white headphones that I picked up on a Virgin flight AKA the worst headphones ever. When I save $350 I plan to ditch my little white audio slingers for a pair of these bad boys: Beats by Dr.Dre.

Dr. Dre’s brand new high def Beats headphones. Headphones that will apparently make you hear music like Dre does: with ‘extreme clarity, deep bass and full power.’ WOW

Suss their website for a nice rotating piece of flash work.