Creators Of The Seminal Classic ‘Friday’ By Rebecca Black Are Scouting For Aussie Talent

From the studio who brought you such hits as ‘Friday’ by Rebecca Black and the smash ‘Chinese Food’ by Alison Gold, comes the call to arms for Australians in possession of mild to below-average musical ability.

Mi scusi, I stand corrected because, according to the ad that they posted on Pedestrian Jobs (!!!), they are actually seeking “new, raw, and hidden talent in Australia.” The ad goes on to say, “We are finalizing the cities we will be heading to and would love to hear back from you and which major city you live closest to!”


The callout was made by PMW (Pato Music World) Live Entertainment, which is an offshoot of the Ark family, founded by one of the co-founders of the original Ark Music Factory, Patrice Wilson (aka Pato).

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