Brisbane ‘Teen Nightclub’ Plan Deemed Disastrous

In the tradition of blue light discos, an enterprising Brisbane proprietor is planning to open an unlicensed nightclub for underage patrons between a needle exchange and an adult shop in Fortitude Valley.

The idea behind the venue, called Level Two, is to give underage patrons a place where they can see live music and (according to the Courier Mail) “hold dance parties”. While the dance party concept reeks of youngsters on ecstasy dancing to Benny Benassi and having promiscuous sex (although I’m told by babysitting charges that this pretty much encapsulates your average highschool dance these days), the aim of giving younger music lovers the opportunity to experience live music and exposure to different bands in a world where all-ages gigs are few and far between is a fantastic initiative.

Naturally, the Queensland Police are not fond of the idea.

They have referred to the plan as a “recipe for disaster”, while Queensland Police Union president Ian Leavers said: “Parents ought to ensure their children are not in the Valley at night time for their own safety.”

As a Brisbane native, I have to say that if I were a parent (and at the risk of sounding like a complete narc) I wouldn’t want to send my kids out into the Valley to party.

Teenagers aren’t exactly living sheltered lives but exposing them to chronic drug addicts, violent drunks, one dollar peepshows (a fab discovery that should be saved for later in life), arsehole cops on patrol, the Valley’s cab crisis – not to mention the rest of the ‘of age’ punters whose behaviour is significantly worse than any of the junkies and hookers – is pretty confronting. Which begs the question: why was Fortitude Valley chosen as the destination for this venture. Why wasn’t the nightclub devised in another of the city’s “hubs” – Paddington, Woollongabba, West End? There’s no shortage of options.

Not that The Valley is South Central or anything… but it seems a controversial choice when there are plenty of other alternatives.

Regardless, would you have liked to have a place like Level Two when you were in highschool? Better yet – did you have a place like that in highschool and what was it like? I would really be interested to hear your thoughts – and feel free to rubbish my hypothetical approach to parenting.

The venue is set to open on 17 April.

Via The Courier Mail

Main image by David Jackmanson