Bono Has Apologised For Putting Music On Your Phone Without Asking

Singer, coloured glasses wearer, and self-appointed recipient of the Bono Award for Most Outstanding Bono, Bono is fully aware that you were a little put off by the fact that you woke up one morning a few weeks ago to find a new U2 album that you don’t remember buying on your iPhones.

The internal monologue that accompanied that discovery typically went a little something like this.
Good lord, it’s morning already? *grumble* Better put on something to wake me up.”
Wha… What the hell is this sitting between They Might Be Giants and Uncle Tupelo?”
“U2? I don’t remember buying any U2.”
*looks around room to check for empty wine bottles, finds plenty*
“Man… I must’ve been three sheets to the goddamned wind last night. I mean I’ve done some stupid shit whilst drunk before, but this…”
“You know what, I don’t even know what this album is. Better check Wikipedia.”
*checks Wikipedia, discovers the awful truth*
“Oh that son of a BITCH.”

Look, you get the idea. People weren’t exactly chuffed that their phones automatically had this entire album of unwanted Irish rock pushed to their accounts without want or need. Apple, reacting quickly, released a way to remove the album from your accounts – turning what was previously a needlessly difficult task into an almost mockingly simple one.
And now Bono himself has gone on the record to apologise for thrusting his Long Playing business all up in your clouds.
Well, that is… He’s kinda done it. As far as apologies go, it’s the most Bono-y.
In a Facebook Q&A, Bono apologised for the stunt, blaming “megalomania,” “generosity,” “self-promotion,” and “deep fear” as the reasons why the band felt it necessary to make a shitload of money in this particular manner.
The good stuff starts from 2:18 in.

Post by U2.

So there you have it, kids. Bono is “sorry.”

He’s really, truly, deeply “sorry.”