Beyoncé and Jay Z Allegedly Moving to France to Make Babies

Now that their On The Run tour is up, America’s reigning royal couple, Beyoncé and Jay Z, are reportedly quite keen to pop out another potential heir to the throne, and to do this, they may or may not be moving to a luxury French chateau for a year.
Gawker certainly seem pretty sold on the idea. Earlier today, the gossip site reported that an anonymous source – is there any other kind? – had confirmed the pair’s plans to move to the land of love and soft cheeses.
“So next year they’ll put music on the back-burner and enjoy France, spending time in a gorgeous chateau in Chigny-les-Roses,” the source said.  
“They want to have some time doing very little, enjoying Blue Ivy and chilling out. They are hoping she will pick up the lingo too. And of course it will be great for their French.”
Then came the most important bit: “They’re hoping to conceive their second child out there. And taking a year out will allow Beyoncé to have a quiet, stress-free pregnancy.”
That certainly puts whatever garbage you’re doing next year in perspective, right?
We wish the happy couple all the best, and eagerly await a year’s worth of entertaining tabloid stories about photographers overrunning Chigny-les-Roses and making the locals really, really mad.
PS: Beyoncé, if you’re reading this, make sure to stay clear of Camembert and cheeky, full-bodied reds once you’re up the duff. Bon voyage! 
Photo: Franck Fife via Getty Images