Study Finds Everyday Heroes AKA Regular Blood Donors Live Longer

You know what we’re talking ‘about. Ya know, it’s that little thing on your drivers license that says ‘TOP BLOKE’ or ‘EXCELLENT LASS’ or ‘LEGEND-IN-CHIEF’. Not really – it says ‘Organ Donor’. 
Being a blood donor is its own damn reward, right? Totally. You get all those warm fuzzies and good vibes because you are literally help saving lives. 
But consider this karmic proof that the world really appreciates people who do good things for others and ask nothing in return: a new study has found that frequent blood donors live longer. THAT’S YOU, YA LEGEND! (Hopefully, anyway.)
Copenhagen University study author Henrik Ullman is very ‘THANK FUuUuUu-‘ about it:
“My response to the results was primarily relief,” he said. “There is no evidence there is anything dangerous about donating blood” and “those who donated a lot of blood lived longer than those who donated a little”. 
While the reason for this is still speculative, researchers believe the type of people likely to donate blood on a regular basis are also the types of people who ~keep it tight~ per se. Or, you could say that they have their health in check. 
Regular blood donation may also benefit people who have too much of a certain stuff (minerals, vitamins, god-knows-what tbh) in their system, because it helps their levels to balance out, according to the study.
The sample size for this was “the world’s largest data set in this area” – it was up in the millions. However, the study didn’t measure the mortality rates of those who’d never donated because that’s a helluva challenge, due to like, a stupidly high amount of variables, obvi. 
FYI, Australia has one of the safest blood supply systems in the world, and it’s estimated that 1 in 3 need a blood donation, but only 1 in 30 donate.
If all of this doesn’t encourage you to give blood, then bleedin’ heck, we’re out of ideas.
For more information or to make an appointment, contact the Australian Red Cross Blood Service on 13 14 95 or visit their website.