Ab Workouts Are Giving 1 In 10 People Exercise-Induced Orgasms

Having a ‘coregasm’ is more common than you might think. Unless you guessed 1 in 10, in which case, you’re spot on. Man, you have a really good radar for this kind of thing.
The revelation comes courtesy of Debby Herbenick, who published all her research on the subject in recent literary release: The Coregasm Workout: The Revolutionary Method For Better Sex Through Exercise
The resident sexpert at US Men’s Health magazine became interested in the phenomenon following a piece she wrote about a porn star who climaxed every time she did hanging leg raises, which look something like this:

Regardless of your age, gender and fitness levels, Herbenick says, 10% of people jizzed while exercising, especially during abdominal workouts, and not necessarily because of any fabric friction on our privates or because we’re thinking about sex, either.
Currently there’s no official scientific explanation as to why it happens, though she theorises it might have something to do with stimulation on the inside, where nerve pathways associated with orgasm are being activated.
In an interview with Mind Body Green speaking about exercise-induced orgasms, Herbenick says they can come on suddenly or build up gradually. For women, it’s more likely to happen after a significant number of reps, like 50, 100 or even 300 hundred sit-ups. Women reported feeling aroused by a variety of different exercises from chin-ups to crunches, leg raises, pull-ups and more.
The men in her studies got off simply by doing sit-ups, pull-ups, lifting weights, climbing ropes and running, and described the climax as more intense than the ones they had while masturbating, but not as ‘feel-good’ as actually having sex (obviously). 
Last fascinating tidbit: some of the coregasms happened even without a boner, which is convenient when you’re in gym shorts.
via Men’s Health and Mind Body Green.