10 Points To Adidas For Shutting Down Homophobic Bullshit On Instagram

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a wanker with a wifi connection will always use it to speak their mind, and speak it loud. 

And, in this instance, ‘wanker’ refers to a homophobic person or persons who believe that Valentine’s Day, an annual event used to guilt people into spending dollars, is the exclusive domain of straight men and women, and any indication to the contrary will make them lose their damn mind*.

*Not hard. It’s fucking small.

Which brings us to activewear brand Adidas, who on V-Day, posted this pretty sweet and not-at-all-sickening, #onbrand Instagram post:

The love you take is equal to the love you make.

A photo posted by adidas (@adidas) on

Cute, right? Very Tumblr circa 2012. A cute, adorkable love without being cheesy. BUT LOOK CLOSER, and you’ll see that – omfg – it’s two women. Kissing. Both pairs of shoes are women’s, see?

Yep. Adidas posted a photo that merely implied a same-sex couple were kissing, and the homophobes came out to play; this, unfortunately, is frustratingly on par for any brand which a reach that spreads to the backwaters of this earth, and it wouldn’t even be a story, except that Adidas came in swinging with an A+ reply.

Here it is, captured, immortalised, and sent viral by Twitter comedian Freddy Amazin:

Source: Instagram.