Will Ferrell’s Spanish-Language Comedy Trailer

Think of American comedy and you’ll usually conjure up one of several actor/comedians, Will Ferrell being somewhere at the top of the list. So when word last year broke that he was starring in and producing a Spanish-language comedy, we all had bets on a hit or miss. How could Ferrell possibly carry this off? Ron Burgundy certainly couldn’t.

The trailer for Casa de mi Padre (translated as House of My Father) has just surfaced with Ferrell talking Spanish right up there with the best of them. Starring alongside Mexican film stalwarts Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna, the feature-length telenovela spoof is directed by Matt Piedmont with a script written by Andrew Steele (both who have overseen episodes of SNL and Funny or Die).

Promising passion, adventure, intrigue, betrayal, sex, danger, romance, guns, cigarettes, (questionable) special effects and slaps, Ferrell plays Armando who must save his father’s farm while fending off Mexican drug lord Onza (Bernal).

The film is a spoof, but unlike a Funny or Die short, will Ferrell’s take on a Spanish comedy sustain the amusement of audiences? Check out the English subtitled trailer for a hint of what to expect.