Welp, Rhys From ‘The Bachelorette’ Is Teasing A Smangfest W/ Megan & Tiff

The Bachelor and The Bachelorette try to create a pure and fantastical world guided by ~ tru love ~, but hell, we all know those shows operate at their peak when the fourth wall falls and real life rushes in. 

Think about it: Sam Frost wouldn’t have been such a strong candidate for The Bachelorette if The Bachelor’s Blake Garvey didn’t dump her sweet lil’ heart off-screen. 

Likewise, the budding romance between Bachie contestants Megan Marx and Tiffany Scanlon was made sweeter by the fact that, according to Da Rules, they were meant to compete for Richie Strahan’s affection – not each other’s. 

Welp, ready your loins, ’cause that particular couple has actually kicked off the cross-over episode of our most lascivious dreams. 

Rhys Chilton, perhaps best known for not being mates with stool-straddler Sam, took to Instagram a bit earlier today to demonstrate his, uh, aeroplane-piloting skills with also-ran Tommy Saggus. On its own, the photo (and caption) are worth a pre-emptive froth:

Wrestles with bae… ?? @tommy_saggus ???? . ??@madeleineradosevic

A photo posted by R h y s C h i l t o n ?? (@rhyschilton) on

But it’s the subsequent bantz between Rhys and ol’ mate Megan that will probably relegate Georgia Love to the most distant and PG realms of your mind:

Channel 10, take note. This is what you have created. This is on you. It is also your responsibility to insert a camera crew into this unholy synergy when it inevitably comes to fruition, Nutella and all.

Source and photo: Rhys Chilton / Instagram.