Watch Vigilante Ex-Actor Samuel L. Jackson Deliver The Winning Reddit Monologue

True to his word and oblivious to the irony of fighting progressive cognitive degeneration through Reddit crowd-sourcing, “incredibly intimidating scary ass voice” personified, Samuel L. Jackson has performed a user-submitted 300-word monologue as a gesture of thanks to those who have donated to his Alzheimer’s Association fund on Prizeo.

The monologue, which Mashable are calling an example of ‘trolling’ and ‘punking’ [questionable], was written by user ‘adiddy‘ and sees Jackson give his faux-notice from acting in favour of using his legendary powers of intimidation to fight crime; “to step out of the limelight and into the shadows… To save a life, to maybe change one, to make some crime-doing mother fucker shit themselves in terror upon hearing my scary-ass voice reprimanding them as I charge them in rage!”
At the time of publication, Jackson’s contest to support the NFP has raised upwards of $145,000. You can donate here. Entries to with a Royale with Cheese lunch with Sam plus a “luxury weekend” at a Jackson-hosted gold tournament in the UK close June 5th.
Apparently, Jackson has loved this entire experience and may be performing another monologue sometime this weekend.