WATCH: Two Heartbreaking, Deleted Scenes From ‘Mrs Doubtfire’ Unearthed

Mrs Doubtfire, while basically a comedy about a man dressing in old lady drag, had its share of fairly gloomy moments, mostly involving the messy divorce between Robin Williams‘ and Sally Field‘s characters, and their arguments over their children.

This week, journalist Matthew Keyes uploaded a pair of recently-unearthed, deleted Doubtfire scenes to his YouTube channel, both of which put the film in an even darker light.
Both scenes take place after the reveal that Williams’ character has been posing as a nanny; one has him showing up late to his daughter’s spelling bee and disrupting it, while the other shows his children listening in while their parents bicker downstairs.
Both scenes give Williams a chance to show off the dramatic flare for which he would become known later in his career. Check them out below:

Source: Esquire.