WATCH: The Trailer For Kristen Wiig’s Film ‘Nasty Baby’

Kristen Wiig is taking on some pretty varied roles right now, you guys. 

First, she hits us with her Lifetime movie with Will Ferrell, ‘A Deadly Adoption’. Then, she’s back to her (hopefully) normal hilarious self in the all-women remake of ‘Ghostbusters’. And now, she hits us again with the trailer for indie Sundance favourite, ‘Nasty Baby’. 
Wiig’s character is a single woman in New York, who is trying to get pregnant by her gay best friend. When his sperm count turns out to be too low, she looks for other avenues, including her best friend’s boyfriend, and some rando dude with a leafblower, or something? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Apparently it’s pretty weird, and doesn’t have the ending we expect. Wiiiiiiiiiig, what are you doing to us?
p.s. Sorry for the Espãnol subbies.
via Youtube