‘The Onion’ Readers Who Don’t Get The Joke Immortalised Online

The Onion is possibly the greatest printed piece of American satire ever to hit the Internet, but sometimes folk just miss the point entirely. That’s primarily because they’re reading the tagline ‘America’s Finest News Source’ and taking it a bit too seriously. The alternate headline for this piece was ‘This is why we need more people reading books.’

Literally Unbelievable is an online collection of curious idiots who take frankly unbelievable Onion headlines like ‘Final Minutes Of Harry Potter Movie To Be Split Into Seven Different Films’ to heart. Users can submit instances of where people they know have fallen into the trap, with names being blurred out and their indignation preserved for all eternity. That’s the wonder of the Internet; for every halfwit making a statement, there’s another clever guy taking screen shots of the whole thing. Here’s some of our favourites:

If you’ve never read The Onion, now’s a good time to make like you were in on the joke the whole time.

tip via Lucy Carter.