Sydney Law Firm Criticised For Being A Saul Goodman, Targeting Ads At Drug Users With Facebook Profiling

If you’re a party girl with a bad habit, bad habit for drugs — or should I say, an 18-40 year old Sydney male on Facebook who has expressed their penchant for music festivals through a facebook “like” — it’s possible that Sydney Law Firm LY Lawyers (who seriously calls their law firm a homonym of “lie”? Even if that is their surname? I digress) have been targeting you with facebook ads, aptly illustrated:


The promotions were, according to The Sydney Morning Herald, running on Facebook during the days following Sydney’s Field Day – 214 arrests were made for drug possession at the New Year’s Day Festival.

The cheery, “Busted for possession or supply of drugs at a festival?” thing seems like a rather blasé approach, but you have to admire the firm’s marketing tactics. I mean, it’s Field Day, FFS.

Adam Ly, one of the principal solicitors at the firm, has reportedly been called out as a “f**king filthy dog” and “scumbag criminal lawyer” because of the ads, according to SMH. Ly, however, defended the advertisements: “The overwhelming majority of people think it’s fine. Only those who are very, very conservative – they see it as perhaps condoning drug use.”

Regarding the offenders that have been targeted: “A lot of these kids don’t know where to find a lawyer, end up representing themselves and end up with a tarnished record. They are often good people: university students or young professionals who are just experimenting with drugs,” Ly told the Daily Mail

He also adds, “It’s not about promoting drug use. It’s a creative way of marketing.”

In other words: S’all Good, Man

Via SMH.