QLD Police Mistake Guy Wearing Sons Of Anarchy Shirt For Actual Bikie

Queensland police might need to bone up on their landmark TV series watching after they mistook a guy wearing a Sons Of Anarchy shirt for an actual member of a bikie gang. Two officers approached the man at a protest in Emerald, outside a meeting of the state cabinet and questioned him about the insignia on his shirt. Cue awkward laughter and the police leaving the guy alone, presumably so he could ponder his future television merchandise purchases.

Bikies are high on the priority list of Australian police as the crackdown on the gangs continues throughout the country. The same police officers reportedly also questioned a bald man with a goatee and a black porkpie hat over drug suspicions, and a young blonde inbred kid who they suspected of ordering the murder of basically everyone in the kingdom.

Via Brisbane Times. Lead image via Sons Of Anarchy Facebook.