Professional Gamers Will Start Being Tested For Doping Next Month

Efforts to drug test gamers competing in professional competitions will begin next month.
Gamers can win some serious C A $ H in these competitions, so it’s no surprise that the Electronic Sports League (ESL) are cracking down on performance enhancing drugs.
It’s slightly different to the Lance Armstrong kind of thing though; in the gaming world, PEDs are more likely to be anti-hyperactivity/attention deficit drugs such as Adderall. There’s no word on whether they’ll also test for copious amounts of Monster Energy Drink or No-Doz.
In an online statement, ESL said that they have partnered with the national anti-doping agency in Germany (NADA) to begin the testing:
“ESL has an ongoing commitment to safeguarding both the integrity of our competitions and that of esports as a whole – we wish to ensure we can provide a fair playing field for all participating players.”

“ESL has partnered with NADA to help create an anti-PED policy that is fair, feasible and conclusive while also respecting the privacy of players.”
Tbh though, some Adderall might have been immeasurably helpful for this guy:
The first rounds of testing will happen at the ESL One Cologne competition in Germany next month.
via TIME
Image: Alain Jocard via Getty Images