Prepare Yourselves, Here’s Your Final “Jurassic World” Trailer

Cards on the table – we could’ve been throwing a heck of a lot more coverage into the tonne of clips, behind-the-scenes, interviews, press coverage, and other assorted titbits that have come out in the lead up to the premiere of the hotly anticipated Jurassic World.

But we haven’t. Chiefly because that would involve watching all of it and some us in the office – including ole’ mate Words McGee over here – snapped up tickets to the IMAX midnight premiere with the kind of giddy childish glee not felt since first laying eyes on a Velociraptor.
With that said, this final trailer for the film doesn’t do too much in the way of spoiling things to come. The trailer (a Spanish one) centres entirely around the film’s Big Bad – the genetically modified Indominous Rex.
The only real new bit of information contained here is that the film’s relationship with the park’s Velociraptors might not be as wholly positive and collaborative as we first may have thought.

The film hits theatres across the country on Thursday, with midnight screenings taking place in select theatres at 12:01am on Wednesday night/Thursday morning.
Hold on to all of your butts.