Poh Had An Existential Crisis On ‘MasterChef’ For Having So Much Talent But Not Enough Time

It’s the fight to get into the top five, baby, and with it, we lost a true titan of the MasterChef universe.

Round one kicked off with chef Phil Wood bringing along his potato duchess, which just happens to be the name of my after-hours alter-ego.

It wasn’t just any potato duchess, either, but a potato duchess with shiitake mushrooms and cauliflower.


It was a tough dish to recreate, and things got off to aa ominous start…

When Phil came over to Callum‘s bench, he was not too pleased about how things were going. Not. Happy. Callum.


For Callum, things just went from bad to worse.

When it was time for tasting, Emelia and Laura nailed it. Poh, Callum and Reece… not so much.


Off they went to round two, which was the contestants’ revenge. This time around, they had free reign with the core ingredients of Phil Wood’s potato duchesses: either potatoes, cauliflower or mushrooms. It even stressed out Queen Julie Goodwin herself!

Poh then had a crisis as to whether or not to do a Chinese dish or an Italian ~redemption~ dish~. From here, things only went downhill for our beloved angel.


Then, literally at the very last minute, Poh abandoned her emulsion and started making a substitute burnt butter sauce instead. Far out.


The judges’ interference wasn’t helping things, either.

Then, the music petered out into a blur as we watched a frazzled Poh scramble around the kitchen. It was an out-of-body experience, not only for Poh, but for us. The music. The MUSIC. The MUSIC.


Ultimately, the inevitable happened. Australia was heartbroken. Melissa even called Poh “a national treasure,” and she’s not wrong at all.


It was a case of so much talent, but not enough time. Goodbye, Poh. It’s been real.