Pauline Hanson Standing As One Nation’s “Trustworthy Redhead” In Federal Election

Apprentice in Celebritygay icon and erstwhile chippy from Queensland via Britain, Pauline Hanson will be standing for a NSW Senate seat for One Nation in the upcoming Federal Election, billing herself as “the redhead [you] can trust.”

“Pauline Hanson,” noted Pauline Hanson in a third-person press conference held this afternoon in Sydney, “is the brand of One Nation” – the party she formed in 1997 and was excommunicated from in 2001-2002.

“I think now’s the time for me to go back and finish what I haven’t finished,” said Pauline Hanson. “I believe that I’m the redhead they can trust,” continued Pauline Hanson.

At the suggestion of the Hanson Children – unaffiliated with the Hanson children who were also last popular in 1997 – Pauline Hanson has taken to The Social Medias, Facebook in particular, in an attempt to communicate clearly her views on “illegal boat people, the ripping off of our welfare system at the expense of genuine and worthy people, the constant attack on our Australian way of life and poverty in Australia.” I’d link you to it, but it’s near impossible to find a Pauline Hanson-related Facebook page which doesn’t read like a xenophobic parody.
Pauline Hanson’s self-funded campaign for re-election is her seventh attempt at gaining ‘Likes’ since losing her federal seat in 1996.
Just in case this hasn’t been made clear enough already: Pauline Hanson.
So fetch.
Photo: Greg Wood via Getty