Michael Jackson And Al-Qaida Both Took On Russell Crowe, Failed

Manly man Russell Crowe, a constant source of joy, and the main non-Karl Stefanovic reason that we get out of bed in the morning, has come through for us yet again. 
During a recent interview with The Guardian, the actor told a story about how, at the height of his fame, he suffered repeated, nuisance phone calls from pop star Michael Jackson.
Though the two never actually met, Jackson hounded the star “for two or three fucking years” at the height of his fame.
“I never met him, never shook his hand,” says Crowe, “but he found out the name I stayed in hotels under, so it didn’t matter where I was, he’d ring up and do this kind of thing, like you did when you were 10, you know.”
Jacko would allegedly call Crowe and say “Is Mr Wall there? Is Mrs Wall there? Are there any Walls there? Then what’s holding the roof up?”, then laugh and hang up.
“You’re supposed to grow out of doing that, right?” despaired Crowe. 
He also spoke about the time a pre-fame al-Qaida tried to kidnap him in 2001. “I still really don’t know to this day what the fuck that was all about,” he said. 
“All I know is, I arrived in LA, got to my hotel, as I’d done umpteen times before, started unpacking, and there was a knock at the door and a team of FBI guys wanted to sit down and discuss something with me.” 
For the next two years, he was surrounded by security teams, who refused to give him any details of the threats against him, until one day, mysteriously as they came, “they just weren’t there anymore.”
Presumably, they just came to their senses and realised it’s not wise to fuck with Russell Crowe. Somebody give the man Australian citizenship already.
Photo: Chung Sung-Jun via Getty Images