The 16 Best Tweets About The MAFS Reunion Bc They Were More Entertaining Than The Actual Thing

That’s a wrap on the Married At First Sight Grand Reunion and unfortunately there was no wine throwing this time (actually maybe it’s better there wasn’t). Basically it ended and it made me feel about as empty as I normally feel watching MAFS.

Last night was the Grand Reunion dinner party, where there was no crying over spilt milk, but there was certainly crying over spilt wine. Jessika Power copped a mouthful of wine from Cyclone Cyrell and it was chaos. Here’s a refresher of that moment, in case you forgot.

Part two was a sit down chat with the ‘experts’ and to be honest not a lot happened.

Thankfully, Twitter ~exists~ and has managed to make Dean‘s rapping, Mike‘s fake crying and Ines‘ dead pan voice seem somewhat bearable.

One couple from season five that were plagued with scandal were Tracey and Dean. Dean was an absolute tool to Tracey, but she got her ultimate hot-girl moment when she dumped him at the final vows.

Then toxic man number two, Mike, had his own one-on-one with the experts and tried desperately to achieve some kind of redemption arc. It’s pretty icky that they even romanticised his relationship with Heidi, when he was emotionally gaslighting her the whole time.

I think the moment that really exposed his fakeness was when he said he’d “just kiss” Heidi if he saw her, after he just said he had a girlfriend.

Looks like someone’s in the dog house tonight.

Then the third toxic horseman of the apocalypse, Jessika, stepped up to the plate. Although, she did seem a tad more remorseful than the others. Jess was famous for cheating on Mick with Dan in season five.

The pair had a notoriously cringey exit interview, where Dan essentially dumped Jess on live TV,  you can watch it here.

It’s the “we’re not having this fight on national television,” for me.

Experts John Aiken and Mel Schilling remarkably continued to label the show as being successful in creating long-lasting relationships. Successful Instagram influencers? Yes. Successful relationships? No.


MAFS really is that crazy aunt that always ruins Christmas, but we love her anyway.