Leonardo DiCaprio’s Story Of His Near-Death On A Plane Is Oscar-Worthy

Leonardo DiCaprio is doing the rounds of the talk shows to promote his possible Oscar contender The Revenant, which is pretty great news for us, as we get to soak up videos like the one below. 

During a recent appearance on Ellen, Leo was speaking about his scariest experiences, and very casually mentioned the time that, during a flight to Russia, the engine of his plane straight-up exploded, leaving him in fear for his life.
“I was looking out the window and the entire engine just turned into a fireball,” he said, before delving into what we can only assume are flawless impressions of various other much more nonchalant people on board.
The relevant bit starts at around the three-minute mark in the below video, and all we can really say is GIVE THIS MAN A GODDAMN OSCAR ALREADY, YOU ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES JERKS.

Story: People