Lambie Tells Nationals to ‘Grow A Set’, Oppose Uni Fee Deregulation

Jacqui Lambie is all about young people – true, she may hit on them from time to time in disturbing fashion during radio interviews, but it turns out she’s also in favour of them having access to a free uni education. 
In fact, in typically Lambie-esque fashion, the PUP Senator made headlines again this week, when she called on the National Party to “grow a set” and oppose the government’s proposed fee deregulation.
The SMH report that Lambie is standing with her fellow Palmer United Party senators when it comes to the issue of university fees, saying that deregulation “will not happen” on her party’s watch.
“If the Nationals grew a set, they could [say] no to the Liberals on key issues like university deregulation,” she said, “which, of course, will see campuses close in regional country areas and bush families greatly disadvantaged.”
Palmer United policy is that university education should be free to all students, and Clive Palmer has previously indicted that his party are not open to supporting deregulation
Later this month, the government will introduce a bill to deregulate uni fees, reduce course funding and increase the interest on student debts, as well as offering increased support to private tertiary institutions and TAFEs.

While PUP may block fee deregulation, Palmer hasn’t taken a stand on any of the other proposals, meaning that universities could still see their funding cut, making it difficult to sustain themselves without higher fees.

Education Minister Christoper Pyne remains confident that the government and PUP can work together on education reform, so really, who knows what bizarre, Frankenstein’s monster of a bill will end up before the Senate?

Photo: William West via Getty Images