Kim Hijacks Kendall’s ‘Pregnancy’ Announcement To Talk About Herself

You know when you were young, and you were throwing a tantrum because you weren’t allowed to eat dessert first or something? Your mum would always turn around to you and bluntly say 
“[YOUR FULL NAME], the world doesn’t bloody revolve around you!”.
Well, not everyone’s mum did that. Kris Jenner didn’t seem to do that for her second daughter, Kim Kardashian
Kim was the butt of the joke for a recent prank call for Khloe Kardashian‘s new show, ‘Kocktails with Khloe’. During the prank, Kendall Jenner calls up Kim and says she is pregnant, and emotionally tells her she doesn’t know what to do. (Chill, KUWTK fans – she’s not.)
Kim responds with the care factor of an eskimo who just found a bag of ice. As you’d probably expect, y’know? She’s really tired, you guys. 
Enjoy! Or hate-watch. We don’t really care:
Source/Photo: Hollywood Life.