Kendall Jenner Accused Of Queerbaiting After “Raw Story” About… Her Acne

Kendall Jenner‘s news that she is now a representative for skincare brand Proactiv has been met with surprise and a bit of frustration from fans, after her mother Kris Jenner hyped the announcement as some kind exceedingly profound and personal revelation.

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The model and reality TV star, 23, shared the video announcement on Twitter this morning. In the clip, Jenner recounted her appearance on an awards show red carpet last year, and the subsequent negative comments she faced online in regards to her skin.

While many of Jenner’s 27 million Twitter followers expressed appreciation for her speaking candidly about a very common skin condition, others were miffed that Kris Jenner sold the announcement as something more than it really was.

Earlier, the elder Jenner had told her own followers Kendall would share “her most raw story in order to make a positive impact for so many people.” She also posted a clip in which Kendall hinted at using her platform to advocate for an issue – but conveniently avoided mentioning what the issue actually was. 

Punters have taken to social media to express their frustration at Kris Jenner’s incomparable abilities to sell an angle, with some claiming her bait-and-switch – and Kendall’s decision not to clarify the matter before the announcement – was a transparent attempt to play on rumours that Kendall is gay.

Despite the theories that have pervaded in some circles, Jenner has stated on the record that she isn’t queer in the slightest. Speaking to Vogue last year, she said “I don’t think I have a bisexual or gay bone in my body…  I’m not gay. I have literally nothing to hide.”

That obviously has not deterred some of her fans, who sincerely believed her announcement would be more substantial than news of a skincare partnership.

The video announcement also represents one of her most notable ventures into the hazy grey area between activism and commerce, following that Pepsi commercial. You know the one.

The devil works hard, but Kris Jenner…