Johnny Depp And Vanessa Paradis Confirm Split

The days of sharing eyeliner are over for Johnny Depp and long-time girlfriend/singer/model/actress/baby mama Vanessa Paradis, who officially announced today that they have pulled the plug on their fourteen year long relationship. Yes, that is the sound of women everywhere crying with joy that everyone’s favourite pirate/eccentric/human-with-scissors-for-hands is back on the market.

Rumours began swirling around the couple’s deteriorating relationship earlier this year, with reports surfacing back in January that the pair were living separate lives. Paradis alleged the claims were completely false, angered by the potential damage such goss could inflict upon her family. The pair have two children, with whom they recently relocated from the south of France to L.A, a transition dubbed by ‘sources’ as the beginning of the end for the pair.

Depp’s spokesman described the split as ‘amicable’ and has asked that their privacy is respected during this time. Not surprisingly, these requests have been ignored and more rumours have started circulating regarding Depp’s alleged romantic involvement with his Rum Diaries co-star, Amber Heard.

Looks like Depp will now have plenty of time to work on his public bromance with Tim Burton…

Words By Nikki Brogan

Via LA Times

Image by Carlo Allegri, Getty Images