John Oliver Enlisted George R.R. Martin For his Latest Epic Rant

Overnight, John Oliver set his sights on the nutritional supplements industry – specifically, on Oprah favourite Dr. Oz, who is known for endorsing highly questionable “cures” like “miracle flowers” and “green coffee bean extract” – and subjected it to an epic take-down.

“Name me one case where a man named Oz claimed mystical powers and led people astray,” Oliver said, of the so-called Dr. Oz Effect, before tearing into the doc’s “magic pill” pronouncements in customary, amusing fashion.

The best part came when, to prove that you can fill a show with “shameless pandering” without grossly misleading the general public, Oliver called in very some special guests, including none other than Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin!

Keep up the excellent work, John Oliver. Also, George, please don’t kill Arya.

via YouTube
Photo: Frederick M Brown via Getty Images