James Cameron Talks Avatar Sequel

Sadly, for my eyeballs, I watched Avatar from the second row of an Imax theatre. I could only focus on one quarter of the screen at a time and action sequences felt like a cruel and unusual form of torture. I was pretty much skull fucked by James Cameron but still, I loved the film.

Not particularly for its storyline a threadbare and predictable mish mash of Post-Colonialism, War and Corporate Greed analogies but for the glorious eye candy that was Pandora. Fortunately for people with eyeballs Director James Cameron recently discussed the possibility of a trilogy with MTV:

“We’ll follow Jake and Neytiri” says Cameron. “I have a trilogy-scaled arc of story right now, but I haven’t really put any serious work into writing a script.”

The second time around Cameron also plans to streamline the Production processes: “Part of what we set out to do is create a world and create these characters. From the time we capture and finish the capture, it’s literally nine to 10 months to get the CG characters working, to get their facial musculature working… So now we have Jake, we have Neytiri. Sam can step right back into it, the characters will fit them like a glove, and we’ll just go on. So a lot of the start-up torque that had to be done for one movie really makes more sense if you play it out across several films.”

You don’t know how excited we are for Avatar 2 and all its 4D glory.