Jack Black Weighs In On Auspol, Calls Tony Abbott A “Nutter”

Following in the same vein as Russell Brand‘s impassioned criticisms of Prime Minster Tony Abbott, comedian with no solid authority on our political landscape—but who is asked to comment on one of the nation’s most pressing issues for the sake of filling droning breakfast radio hours—Jack Black has called out the Abbott Government’s stance on marriage equality on 2DAY FM this morning. 

“We seem to be focusing more on military coups and scenarios like that. I personally think the guy’s [Tony Abbott] living in the stone ages, though. He’s not seeing the writing on the wall. The movement of the world is heading towards equality for all people, all sexual preferences. Come on, we’re all the same in the end. Who cares what gives you a boner. Really?”


After host Dan Debuf highlighted Abbott’s increasing affinity for raw onions, Black said, “Yeah, he sounds like a bit of a nutter a bit of a nutter butter”.

Listen to the interview below.

Via news.com.au.