How Did You Fare In The Pedestrian Youth Research Report?

Earlier this year Pedestrian embarked on a research study to create a true picture of who young Australians (guys and girls aged 18 to 29) really are, and who you want to be. The results are in, and with 2014 just around the corner now is the perfect time for self-analysis and trying to take stock of your general levels of happiness and self-awareness. On a more existential level, these findings might give you comfort in the knowledge that a bunch of other people share the same anxieties, insecurities and habits as you. Like Drake says in “Girls Love Beyonce”: You try to act like it’s just me, but I am not alone.

So the question is: are you a unique snowflake swirling deep in outlier territory or do you reside in the cozy centre of the bell curve? To identify your place in the mix we’ve put the summary of results into an easy to digest infographic.


According to results from the 2,000 respondents who took part in the survey, young Australians are balancing similar levels of optimism and anxiety. Overall, our outlook is positive with 81% of us saying we’re optimistic about what the future holds. Yet on traditional indicators of happiness we don’t fare so well.
The majority believe they will never be able to afford to buy a house or apartment. They also think there are too many job seekers and not enough jobs, and that they don’t feel financially secure. Climate change is also a concern, and most young Australians do not think enough is being done to combat it. There’s definitely a tension between a general sense of optimism versus specific points of anxiety. When exploring this tension we found that our expectations for our lives have never been higher. We don’t just want a job, we want a job that we love that also pays the bills.
The three main areas that contributed to this raising of the bar were our parents, social media and the general discourse of “anything is possible” that is fueled by media and culture. 
We were raised during a time when parenting styles changed significantly to become more child-focused and as a result the relationship between young people (us) and our parents has never been stronger. However, with this attachment comes higher demands of our lives, demands reinforced by the steady flow of idyllic holiday snaps by friends on Instagram, and young folks’ growing tendency to post only the best versions of themselves on social media. We want that.

On top of that, tales of success over struggle and ‘overnight’ start-up billionaires not only have us constantly striving to live lives that are anything but mediocre, but the pressure and urgency to do so is keeping us awake at night. Basically, we are constantly battling the fact that half of all people will always be (at least statistically speaking) ‘below average’.

The biggest issue facing us in reality is the pressure to choose a path among the number of different options we’re faced with. Do i settle for a job that pays or opt for an unpaid intern as a step to reaching my dream career? Do i travel or go back to uni? Do i stay at home and save up for an overseas trip or move out and live with friends? Do I stay single or find a partner to settle down with?
While we stress about the myriad options that we’re faced with, there’s a billion young people currently living beneath the poverty line. Are we just suffering from a case of First World Problems?

Our findings revealed that 20% of us report feeling the strain of being poor in a wealthy country, however this reality wasn’t reflected in findings about our possessions and behaviour. According to the research, the overwhelming majority is up-to-date with the latest technology (95.2% own Smartphones, 91% own a laptop) and connected via multiple devices; plus, we’re finding plenty of time for recreational behaviour in all forms with overseas travel sticking out as a top priority.

We would also love to hear your thoughts, comments and objections in the comments below. How did you fare? Is this an accurate snapshot or did we miss the mark? What surprised you and what made you go ‘well, no shit’?

If you took the time to complete the survey, thank you so much for taking part.