Holy Shit, Jimmy Fallon Is Getting His Own Ride At Universal Studios

The frequently-hand impaired Jimmy Fallon has just made his way into an elite club that includes Harry Potter, The Simpsons, E.T., The Mummy, Transformers, and a bunch of other pop-culture ~ icons~: it’s getting his very own, legit, brand-spanking new theme park ride. 


“Do you know the Harry Potter rides?” he said on The Tonight Show. “Well it’s like that, only instead of Harry Potter, it’s me, and instead of Hogwarts, it’s New York City.”

‘Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon‘ is scheduled to open at Universal Studios in 2017, and there are next-to-no details about it other than “there’s smoke”, “there’s scents”, and something about “water”.

“I wish I could give all the details,” he said. “I don’t know what I’m allowed to say. I can’t say anything. They’re working on it now. 2017 is when it comes out. Maybe just bleep it out, I can’t say anything, just bleep it out.”

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