Google Wants To Hear Your New Year’s Resolutions

Information juggernaut Google, never ones to let a good moment by, launched their New Year’s Resolution map this week, because we’re obviously hopeless at sticking to them ourselves. 
Using Google’s Zeitgeist model, which collects data from users across the world and synthesises it for people who don’t speak code, the 2013 Resolutions page asks for you postcode and country and then drops your vow to quit drinking/smoking/fornicating excessively with your neighbour’s wife on a live world map within 24 hours. 
Thanks to Google Translate, you can read resolutions from around the world in English (or Urdu, if that’s your thing) and there are already some super-cute ones coming out of Japan. Alternatively, follow us Facebook, where we recently came up with our own resolutions for 2013, which included eating more Jatz, not watching any more Lara Bingle-related programmes and finally calling Carly Rae Jepsen
via Google.