Ellen DeGeneres Is Turning 60 This Week & WE DIDN’T KNOW EITHER

We get it. You’re shook. We’re shook too. In fact, the entire celebrity-following world is shaken to its very core with the revelation that Ellen DeGeneres is (about to turn) 60 fucking years old.

“I can’t believe I’m going to be 60 this week!” she said, and you know what? Neither can we, Ellen. Are you sure you’re not actually turning 50? 40? A very accomplished 28-year-old?

Now we want to be absolutely clear here: getting older is not a bad thing. This isn’t intended to be a ‘looks like someone’ heading for retirement’ post.

It’s just here to register our absolute shock – and everybody else’s – that Queen Ellen DeGeneres is a sexagenarian.

It’s not like her age was a secret. It’s not like you couldn’t Google and find out her exact birth date (January 26, 1958). It’s just that she’s sort of ageless, with the incredible bouncy humour of a sprightly 22-year-old.

Like we said, more than a few people are shook.



And a fair few people have an idea as to her youthful looks.



Whatever. She’s 60 and fabulous. A huge happy birthday to everyone’s daytime television mum.