Drake & Josh’s Second Reunion Had A Pretend-Fight About The Wedding

Okay, so. That whole Drake and Josh drama – where Joshua Peck, from hit Nickelodeon series Drake & Josh, didn’t invite Drake Bell, also from hit Nickelodeon series Drake & Josh, to his wedding – was finally laid to rest at the MTV Video Music Awards.

Pics of the boys hugging were shared to both the boys’ social media accounts, so you know they meant it. Beef? Over.

But what you didn’t know is they had even more of a reunion than that. Josh was filming the entire VMAs experience and caught that whole cute moment when he and Drake ran into each and hugged it out on tape.

Skip to the 4-minute mark.


Then nek minnit, YouTuber David Dobrik managed to convince the boys to a proper, non-VMAs reunion. Uhhh – the premise, from what I can gather, is that David was blindfolded and thought Josh was going to give him a car, or physically hurt him in some way, but instead was surprised by Drake singing the Drake and Josh theme song.

The boys even staged a fake fight about the wedding.

“Your wedding probably sucked anyway.”

“Oh fuck you.”

“Oh fuck me? Fuck you. Mom never even liked you.”

“She’s not our mom, we’re not on a TV show.”

There you go. Dreams come true, beefs come to an end, everything makes sense in the universe. Except YouTubers, tbh. That will never, ever make sense to me.