Come Mingle With The Amy Schumer At The Aussie Premiere Of ‘Trainwreck’

Presumably you’re already on board with Amy Schumer and her impressive body of work thus far; we’ve honestly been flogging the shit out of ‘Inside Amy Schumer‘ with the hope that she will notice us.

And now we get to be the pop-culture-flavoured conduit between Universal Pictures > 20 double passes to the ‘Trainwreck‘ Australian premiere > you 

The film’s writer and star will be present, as will chill comedy bro Bill Hader and any other red carpet pests regulars that consistently turn up for free drinks i.e. us.

If you and your designated +1 would like to come along to Event Cinemas George Street, on Monday the 20th of July, go down below to enter the comp by telling us in 25 words or less why you’re a raging trainwreck:

Win a double pass to the Trainwreck Premiere!