Cinema Accidentally Plays R-Rated Trailer Before ‘Finding Dory’ Screening

Oh man. A cinema in the United States accidentally screened the R-rated trailer for ‘Sausage Party‘ before the screening of ‘Finding Dory‘, and there’s now a bunch of kids probably walking around who are either traumatised for life or legit fucking psychos.

Brendan Theatre in Concord, California made the tiny, huge mistake, which their VP of operations Walter Eichinger put down to “a one-time honest mistake by a theatre manager moving screens around in an effort to accommodate several large last-minute groups wanting to see ‘Dory’.”

“It was caught soon, but not until the trailer played. We regret it, apologise for it, and we are not happy that it happened. We fully realise this trailer is not appropriate for ‘Dory’ and we would never schedule something like that.” 
The extremely violent Sausage Party trailer starts out innocently enough (if you’re under the age of six and ‘sausage party’ means a large gathering of bbq-able meat): it’s the sweet yet hopeful tale of sentient food in the grocery store who want nothing more than to be taken home.

Then they actually *do* get taken home. To human kitchens. Where they are eaten like the food they are. What happens next can only be described as vegetable torture porn, where a poor, sweet, innocent Ruchet potato gets picked up by the human female and promptly skinned.

“Oh jesus fuck! Me skin! She’s peeling me fucking skin!” he cries, and it only gets worse from there.

“Once you see that shit, it’ll fuck you up for life.” 

Source: East Bay Times.
Photo: Finding Dory / Sausage Party.