Adam Driver Is The Frontrunner For The ‘Villain’ Part In Star Wars VII

As we Imperial March closer to impending release date of Star Wars VII, the casting news is getting more and more concrete and, in some cases, increasingly left of field. Variety is reporting that Adam Driver is very close to signing on the dotted line for the part of ‘villain’ – “in the vein of iconic Star Wars villain Darth Vader” – for the newest addition to the grand filmic retelling of The Star Wars.

Originally there were thought to be scheduling issues between future seasons of GIRLS and the remaining Star Wars films, because yeah, you definitely wouldn’t just straight up quit HBO‘s GIRLS immediately for the chance to even smell someone who was thinking about reading for a walk-on part in Star Wars. Yeah.

Rumour had it that the Michael Fassbender and Hugo Weaving were also considered for the role, and that all finalised casting will be announced in the next month.

Of the Driver addition, colour us sceptical but hopeful.


via Variety
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