7News Accidentally Aired The Word ‘Bitch’ During A Broadcast & It’s Some Damn Good TV

Ya know what I love about being a digital journalist? If I accidentally fuck something up, it can always be fixed (come on now, I’m only ‘yuman).

TV journalists, however, need to live with their on-air blunder forever, such as this unfortunate moment from a 7News piece about Woolies’ produce prices.

A Reddit user shared the hilarious moment, writing: “Best planned camera angle from 7News.”

Best planned camera angle from 7 news
byu/bobboilson inaustralia

In the background, you’ll notice the big ‘BUTCHER’ sign has been obscured and it’s an absolute, erm, ~*bitch*~ of a scene.

One can’t help but wonder, how was this missed? Surely the 7News cameraman would’ve spotted the glaring swear word in the background.

Reddit users asked this very question on the post, with one stating, “There is no way the camera operator accidentally did this.”

“Camera person havin’ a bit of giggle aye,” wrote another.

Credit: Reddit.

At the time of reporting, the post has been up-voted (the Reddit equivalent of a like) 3.4k times, and rightfully so, I reckon.

But look, the news network is no stranger to dropping a stray swear word on-air as back in 2017, 7News Adelaide presenter Jessica Adamson very audibly dropped a cuss word after making an unseen fuck up, without being aware that her mic was still on.

It’s hard to say what the hell was going down in the 15 secs of footage we were provided with, but she does appear to visibly hesitate after saying “Good on you, Soda“, which I ‘spose is an affectionate nickname for co-presenter Mark Soderstrom.

Anyway, have a watch below:

God bless 7News, always keeping it real.