2 Days In Paris Sequel Starring Chris Rock?

Julie Delpy will reprise her role as the impulsive and conflicted Marion in her upcoming sequel to 2 Days In Paris, which will begin production in October.

While we can expect a new love interest and even an offspring, what we didn’t expect was a recent announcement that Chris Rock will join the cast. As Marion’s New York lover; we’re not sure exactly – nor are we convinced.

The premise of the film will run along similar lines as the first: a weekend in New York and the cultural clashes that ensue between Marion’s family and her American boyfriend. Similar plot, different city.

Delpy says the sequel will explore “the difficulty of relationships but also about the main character’s evolution in general. It’s a very modern story about the complexities of being a woman and not being completely consumed by your partner.

Rock has recently starred in the US remake of Death At A Funeral and has also hinted at remaking the French film Le premiere etoile. He is currently rewriting a script for Akira Kurosawa’s High & Low. Hollywood’s way of proving they too can reduce, reuse and recycle.

By Kellie Hill

Via The Playlist