10,000 Copies Of ‘The Interview’ To Be Airdropped into North Korea

If you thought the saga with The Interview was going to die with 2014, or maybe if you wish it did, we’ve got news for you; you’re dead wrong. 

Straight outta the States and just in time for 2015 comes news that North Korean defector Park Sang-hak has a death wish plan to air drop 10,000 copies of the movie that wowed about 2.3% of critics into his home country. He reckons ‘North Korea’s leadership will crumble if the idolization of Kim Jong-un breaks down.‘ Yep, sounds like absolutely nothing could go wrong there. 
Park intends to drop the film in DVD and USB packages across the country, which sort of discounts the level of poverty in many parts of the country that kind of precludes the use of computers of DVD players. He’ll hand them out in South Korea first in the aim that they’ll float across the border. You know, like oxygen.
Grab the popcorn. Clearly this news story has as many sequels as Star Wars.
via Complex.