The Yummy Whispers Are True, In A Biskit Is Returning After Six Bland-Ass Bickie Years

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Holy shit the rumours were legit, beloved lunchbox fave snackies In A Biskit are returning to us extremely soon. It’s been six long, drumstick-shaped cracker-less, but those munchable lunchables are making a triumphant return to our guts this week.

After we were given a couple of conveniently-dropped clues (definitely from someone in the know) in late July, we’ve kept our eyes peeled for that weird little yelling chicken guy just clucking back into our lives. And now, it’s happening – we’ve got the official word that the two of the best Biskit flavours are hitting stores from August 11.

Yep, the Chicken and Drumstix flavours are flapping back into the snack aisle from tomorrow, once again giving us something to absolutely hoof down while standing in front of the pantry at all hours. There’s really nothing like absent-mindedly shovelling chicken bickies into your mouth in that weird snack hour before dinner’s ready.

And honestly Chicken Crimpys are just a bit too large to do it with no thoughts in your head, so the return of chickie In A Biskit is supremely welcome. Finally, Shapes are not running entirely unopposed in the arena of “baked snacks you can suck all the flavouring off”. About time, too.

I’m not even too sure what the difference is between the Chicken and Drumstix flavours but I’m definitely not about to look a snack gifthorse in the mouth.

Boxes of the chicken and drumstix In A Biskit snacks will set you back $3.20 a pop, and you’ll be able to cop them from your local supermarket from August 11.

First we got Caramilk back, then Toobs, and now In A Biskit. Suffice to say it’s been a very good couple of years for snack food fans around the traps.

But I will not rest until that delicious Big Cheese flavour is returned to me, though. Give it. Give me the cheeky bick.