Hot Cross Bun Grazing Boards Are 100% The Energy You Need To Bring To Easter Brunch

Grazing boards and platters have gone beyond the humble cheese and bickies offering recently, with people getting more and more experimental with what they’re artfully throwing together on a wooden board.

We’ve seen potato grazing platters, filled with every kind of chip that you can bloody think of, pavlova platters over Christmas, and now Easter-themed hot cross bun grazing boards are popping up.

Look, it all might have huge Basic Binch energies to it but fuck it, it’s a new decade. Lean in, I say.

Brought to my attention this week by the folks over at Taste (who cobbled together an insane grazing board), I decided to investigate and see just how many Mums Of Instagram™ have been jumping on the HCB-platter train.

It looks like a couple of people got around the idea of an Easter grazing platter for long weekend brunches and lunches in recent years, but I reckon it needs to be a legit trend this year. Text that one friend who’s guilty of going overboard on the nibblies at casual arvo drinks (there’s always one) and plant that seed. Challenge ’em to a sweet tooth hot cross bun grazing table.

Check these ones out for a bit of #inspo – I reckon you could get some seriously decadent ones going for Easter long weekend brunches.

All of this was bought from Woolies, can you believe?

Christ almighty, my teeth hurt just thinking about it, but it’s one of the rare times in the year when you can get away with eating sugar for breakfast.

Ok fine if you want a healthier option there’s this one filled with all the fruits (and cheeses) that your heart desires, plus a couple of cheeky hot cross buns. They have fruit in them so they count, right?

Or you could have the best of both worlds and chuck everything in together for your grazing boards. That’s absolutely how a balanced meal works and I refuse to hear otherwise. Bitta choccy, bitta fruit. You can have a little chocolate for breakfast, as a treat. I’ll allow it.

Or maybe if you’re a carb-loving goblin like I am, you can just add more pastries alongside your hot cross buns. Nothing’s stopping you! The world is your sweetly-spiced oyster! Do whatever you want!

I’m going to have to up my game for my Easter long weekend nibblies, clearly. Hot cross buns are on the supermarket bakery shelves all year round anyway, so there’s literally nothing stopping you from building HCB grazing boards this weekend anyway.